Mirror Attacker god of server

Total Defacements: 822     Homepage Defacements: 89     Special Deface: 113     Attacker Rank: 101    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:51 God Of Server God Of Server United States of America st.adacoe.edu.gh/aku.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:44 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic vyberpsa.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:43 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic www.vyberjmeno.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:42 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic uzijdne.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:41 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic isochy.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:40 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic tipyrady.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:39 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic ipusty.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:38 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic evraky.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:36 God Of Server God Of Server M Czech Republic choosedog.info/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:35 God Of Server God Of Server Czech Republic kudyzbidy.cz/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:34 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America robertcaetano.com/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:32 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America joaovitorgusson.com/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:30 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America indianshop.com.br/aku.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:21 God Of Server God Of Server United States of America spiritdisability.com.au/aku.ht... Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:20 God Of Server God Of Server M Germany gracelumiere.com/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:18 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America jaconsultoria.com/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:13 God Of Server God Of Server Germany sadrait.com/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:10 God Of Server God Of Server M Finland gx-part.com/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:41:59 God Of Server God Of Server M Germany www.notarysosnowiec.pl/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:41:55 God Of Server God Of Server Uganda www.cas.umu.ac.ug/aku.html Mirror
2024-08-25 04:30:13 God Of Server Bandung Blackhat United States of America kattech.net/wp-content/uploads... Mirror
2024-08-25 04:14:35 God Of Server Bandung Blackhat Germany atharcenter.org/wp-content/upl... Mirror
2024-08-24 18:10:15 God Of Server Bandung Blackhat Colombia siga.ufpso.edu.co/wp-content/u... Mirror
2024-08-24 14:19:58 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.youngbloodpaving.com/ok.tx... Mirror
2024-08-24 14:19:48 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.velocitymagnetics.com/ok.t... Mirror
2024-08-24 14:19:35 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.timvaskotreeservice.com/ok... Mirror
2024-08-24 14:19:33 God Of Server God Of Server United States of America www.thinkingoutsidethecage.org... Mirror
2024-08-24 14:19:24 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.talbotstaproom.com/ok.txt Mirror
2024-08-24 14:18:58 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.shenangotownship.org/ok.tx... Mirror
2024-08-24 14:17:49 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.pghpresbytery.org/ok.txt Mirror