Mirror Attacker alf404

Total Defacements: 1613     Homepage Defacements: 277     Special Deface: 538     Attacker Rank: 53    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-05-18 07:56:30 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Iran tavan-gostar.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-05-18 07:56:19 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team Iran www.tavan-gostar.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-05-15 01:21:37 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Hong Kong jurnal3.stiesemarang.ac.id/cac... Mirror
2021-05-15 01:21:32 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team R Hong Kong sdm.stiesemarang.ac.id/foto/ Mirror
2021-05-15 00:42:50 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Singapore www.edulinks.id/sman13medan/ Mirror
2021-05-15 00:42:41 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team Singapore edulinks.id/sman13medan/ Mirror
2021-05-12 15:52:33 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team Vietnam baohotuanthu.com/hacked-by-alf... Mirror
2021-05-12 00:25:16 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R United States of America www.artesytelares.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-05-12 00:24:51 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team United States of America artesytelares.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-05-11 23:46:27 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Indonesia www.statisticalwarrior.site/lo... Mirror
2021-05-11 23:46:23 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Indonesia statisticalwarrior.site/lol.ph... Mirror
2021-05-11 23:42:46 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Singapore www.lunchat.online/lol.php Mirror
2021-05-11 23:42:42 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team Singapore lunchat.online/lol.php Mirror
2021-05-08 07:12:52 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R Netherlands www.incontrolinkoopadvies.nl/l... Mirror
2021-05-08 07:12:46 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team Netherlands incontrolinkoopadvies.nl/luv.h... Mirror
2021-05-08 07:04:33 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team R United States of America www.gierforum.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-05-08 07:04:27 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team United States of America gierforum.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-05-07 00:21:34 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H M R Singapore www.smppangudiluhurbernardusde... Mirror
2021-05-07 00:21:25 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H Singapore smppangudiluhurbernardusdeltam... Mirror
2021-05-01 03:59:31 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H M R Vietnam www.cooken.vn Mirror
2021-05-01 03:59:24 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H Vietnam cooken.vn Mirror
2021-04-29 16:37:54 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H M R Singapore www.akperdharmainsan.ac.id Mirror
2021-04-29 16:37:46 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H Singapore akperdharmainsan.ac.id Mirror
2021-04-28 06:55:11 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R United States of America www.est3mal.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-04-28 06:54:03 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team United States of America est3mal.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-04-28 06:53:54 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team United States of America beautyiii.com/luv.htm Mirror
2021-04-27 01:43:11 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M R United States of America www.al-aminkhan.com/sad.htm Mirror
2021-04-27 01:43:00 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team M United States of America al-aminkhan.com/sad.htm Mirror
2021-04-23 01:04:22 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H M Indonesia bappeda.padangpanjang.go.id Mirror
2021-04-23 01:04:15 Alf404 TangerangXploit Team H Indonesia yh5aj.padangpanjang.go.id Mirror