Mirror Attacker davxploit

Total Defacements: 4     Homepage Defacements: 2     Special Deface: 1     Attacker Rank: 1802    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-03-02 07:20:37 DavXploit Ganest Seven R People’s Republic of China www.datawain.com//sjxs/trunk/s... Mirror
2021-03-01 19:29:13 DavXploit Ganest Seven United States of America 7sathiya.com/online/images/log... Mirror
2021-02-26 11:39:41 DavXploit Ganest Seven H Thailand plapak.go.th/index.php Mirror
2021-02-25 17:25:21 DavXploit Ganest Seven H United States of America trimblesoft.com/index.php Mirror