Mirror Attacker ucen haxor

Total Defacements: 1024     Homepage Defacements: 355     Special Deface: 372     Attacker Rank: 86    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-04-03 01:26:36 UCEN HAXOR KarawangXploit United States of America up2m.polimedia.ac.id/index.hac... Mirror
2022-04-03 01:26:36 UCEN HAXOR KarawangXploit United States of America tik.polimedia.ac.id/index.hack... Mirror
2022-04-03 01:26:35 UCEN HAXOR KarawangXploit United States of America upttik.polimedia.ac.id/index.h... Mirror
2022-04-01 11:49:33 UCEN HAXOR Karawang Cyber Team H United States of America www.hotelhex.com.ni Mirror