Mirror Team JhonDZ

Total Defacements: 1123     Homepage Defacements: 153     Special Deface: 698     Team Rank: 69    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2020-07-18 02:48:52 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Pakistan faculty.gcwuf.edu.pk/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-17 19:26:27 F.Z MalaikatHati 7Ghost-Team H Indonesia repository.ukaw.ac.id:88 Mirror
2020-07-12 17:11:03 F.Z MalaikatHati 7Ghost-Team Thailand www.worldprint.in.th/upload/co... Mirror
2020-07-12 13:10:30 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Germany kta1401.vgb.org/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-11 08:48:31 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Taiwan ftp.yanray.com.tw/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-11 08:16:25 ZEROCRYPTO666 7Ghost-Team Brazil www.sedet.maceio.al.gov.br/z.h... Mirror
2020-07-08 08:37:47 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team United States of America www.fids-eyw.com/hotels/bc7.ht... Mirror
2020-07-08 02:40:04 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Taiwan www.singen.com.tw/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-06 12:02:38 ZEROCRYPTO666 7Ghost-Team Indonesia www.hakaaston.co.id/news/hacke... Mirror
2020-07-05 17:43:12 ZEROCRYPTO666 7Ghost-Team Thailand www.satit.nu.ac.th/ghost.php Mirror
2020-07-05 00:26:19 ZEROCRYPTO666 7Ghost-Team M Thailand www.nomjittpcl.co.th/pafikona_... Mirror
2020-07-05 00:26:06 ZEROCRYPTO666 7Ghost-Team Thailand wb.nmarkplaza.com/ar/z.php Mirror
2020-07-04 02:03:19 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Bangladesh exam.bou.edu.bd/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-02 21:30:12 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team India ahdecorative.com/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-02 01:27:01 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Finland demo16.moderndesign.ir/JhonDZ.... Mirror
2020-07-02 01:26:55 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Finland aghapoor.mdid.ir/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-07-02 01:26:48 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Finland ariansale.ir/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-07-02 01:26:41 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Finland amigroupo.ir/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-07-02 01:26:35 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Finland ihcx.ir/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-07-02 01:26:28 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Finland atlas-p.ir/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-07-02 01:26:21 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Finland ufoiran.com/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-07-02 00:06:41 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team United States of America greathomeschoolconventions.com... Mirror
2020-07-02 00:06:18 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team United Kingdom www.burnetts.co.uk/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-01 18:35:45 ZEROCRYPTO666 7Ghost-Team H Hong Kong www.tckg.edu.hk Mirror
2020-07-01 08:26:46 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Thailand meeting.chaipat.or.th/bc7.html Mirror
2020-07-01 07:44:44 CHAPPiE 7Ghost-Team Thailand www.quadtech.co.th/bc7.html Mirror
2020-06-29 19:39:12 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Iran cityoffice101.ir/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-06-29 19:39:03 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Vietnam denhung.org.vn/JhonDZ.html Mirror
2020-06-29 19:38:56 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Vietnam lmhtx.phutho.gov.vn/JhonDZ.htm... Mirror
2020-06-29 19:38:50 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team M Vietnam tanson.phutho.gov.vn/JhonDZ.ht... Mirror