Mirror Team JhonDZ

Total Defacements: 1123     Homepage Defacements: 153     Special Deface: 698     Team Rank: 69    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-02-08 16:13:56 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team M United States of America banphue.udonthani.police.go.th... Mirror
2022-02-08 16:13:55 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team United States of America finance.police.go.th/userdata/... Mirror
2022-01-02 14:29:00 Xnuxer Achill 7Ghost-Team H Singapore www.rajasthangemsjaipur.com Mirror
2022-01-02 14:27:34 Xnuxer Achill 7Ghost-Team H United States of America budweinfurtbank.com Mirror
2022-01-02 14:24:53 Xnuxer Achill 7Ghost-Team H R Indonesia bkd.malukuprov.go.id Mirror
2022-01-02 14:23:48 Xnuxer Achill 7Ghost-Team United States of America www.cometa.co.id/english/index... Mirror
2022-01-02 14:23:18 Xnuxer Achill 7Ghost-Team Indonesia app-polrespati.site/e-office/p... Mirror
2022-01-02 14:19:58 T1L3-D34Th 7Ghost-Team R Slovakia www.iqmachining.sk/asset/uploa... Mirror
2022-01-01 13:05:51 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team M India oldace.ace.edu.np/noname.html Mirror
2022-01-01 13:05:50 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team M India entrancetest.ace.edu.np/noname... Mirror
2022-01-01 13:05:49 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team M India entrance.ace.edu.np/noname.htm... Mirror
2022-01-01 13:04:16 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team M India alumni.ace.edu.np/noname.html Mirror
2022-01-01 13:04:14 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team India www.ace.edu.np/noname.html Mirror
2021-12-29 22:04:03 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team R South Africa baymarketing.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:04:00 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa buyglasses.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:37 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa ctscape.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:36 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa dcdrive.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:35 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa crownmobile.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:33 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa southafricancoin.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:32 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa samzana.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:30 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa kwood.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:28 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa kznfc.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:24 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa dynamicelectrical.co.za/cin.ht... Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:21 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa funkyfrog.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:20 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa metserv.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:16 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa satts.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:03:14 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team R South Africa www.greenkeeper.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-29 22:02:55 StarsXploit 7Ghost-Team M R South Africa www.cyberforge.co.za/cin.htm Mirror
2021-12-20 15:17:59 K4TSUY4-GH05T 7Ghost-Team Colombia gimnasionewcastle.edu.co/nonam... Mirror
2021-12-19 02:52:02 Xnuxer Achill 7Ghost-Team H Indonesia bkd.malukuprov.go.id Mirror