Mirror Team JhonDZ

Total Defacements: 1123     Homepage Defacements: 153     Special Deface: 698     Team Rank: 69    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2020-05-13 20:09:50 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team United States of America www.seguridadjusticiaypaz.org.... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:09:45 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team United States of America jimenezmerino.com.mx/web/image... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:09:14 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Mexico www.astroscu.unam.mx/IA/images... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:09:08 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Poland zzpmswiap.pl/images/JhonDZ.txt Mirror
2020-05-13 20:09:02 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Poland www.dpsostrowlubelski.pl/bip/i... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:08:57 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Poland bursa7.zstk.edu.pl/images/Jhon... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:08:34 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team France www.sanktuarium.zawada.diecezj... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:08:29 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Poland lions.org.pl/images/JhonDZ.txt Mirror
2020-05-13 20:08:23 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Poland www.kamela.info.pl/images/Jhon... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:08:17 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Poland www.rozdrazew.pl/images/JhonDZ... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:08:12 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Netherlands edid.nl/images/JhonDZ.txt Mirror
2020-05-13 20:07:21 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Netherlands www.cosver.nl/images/JhonDZ.tx... Mirror
2020-05-13 20:07:15 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Netherlands www.weva.nl/images/JhonDZ.txt Mirror
2020-05-13 20:07:08 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Australia www.ballaratcaravans.com.au/im... Mirror
2020-05-12 20:28:29 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Indonesia elib.upiyptk.ac.id/templates/J... Mirror
2020-05-12 20:28:25 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Bangladesh dashboard.dghs.gov.bd/JhonDZ.p... Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:54 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Taiwan www.tllearning.com/JhonDZ.php Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:47 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Mexico www.cbtis195.edu.mx/JhonDZ.php Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:41 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Mexico elementos.buap.mx/JhonDZ.php Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:36 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Taiwan sel.hk.edu.tw/JhonDZ.php Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:30 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Brazil gestaorecursos.cpb.org.br/Jhon... Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:21 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Taiwan www.ccps.tp.edu.tw/JhonDZ.php Mirror
2020-05-12 20:27:16 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team Taiwan www.collex.com.tw/JhonDZ.php Mirror
2020-05-12 19:49:57 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa infussion.co.za/index.html Mirror
2020-05-12 19:49:39 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa paruks.co.za/index.html Mirror
2020-05-12 19:49:33 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa robschot.co.za/index.html Mirror
2020-05-12 19:49:20 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa ospreygroup.co.za/index.html Mirror
2020-05-12 19:49:14 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa sinudeity.co.za/index.html Mirror
2020-05-12 19:46:57 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa www.ittrader.co.za/index.html Mirror
2020-05-12 19:45:46 JhonDZ 7Ghost-Team H M South Africa africa-4-growth.com/index.html Mirror