Mirror Team lichthax7

Total Defacements: 7586     Homepage Defacements: 1338     Special Deface: 346     Team Rank: 7    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:54 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France soins-chinois.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:54 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France studio-web-bruxelles.be/0x.htm... Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:47 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France naya-massage.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:46 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France mjink.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:45 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France fod34.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:40 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France cheztanteberthe.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:39 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France arnal-sofocev.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:39 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France cabinet-gastro-ales.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:37 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France alicianieto.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:36 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France alicia-nieto.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:33 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia France aka-h.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:31 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France agence-montpellier.fr/0x.html Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:30 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M France agence-design-montpellier.fr/0... Mirror
2023-05-24 20:00:29 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia France agence-design-bruxelles.be/0x.... Mirror
2023-05-24 19:06:37 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M United States of America esc-morando.com.ar/aka.html Mirror
2023-05-24 19:06:36 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia M United States of America esc-llamazares.com/aka.html Mirror
2023-05-24 19:06:25 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia Luxembourg sparqly.app/aka.html Mirror
2023-05-24 19:06:23 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia United States of America www.awire.com.ar/aka.html Mirror
2023-05-24 13:22:08 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia M R Cyprus www.beasiswa.bumipersada.ac.id... Mirror
2023-05-23 18:45:13 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia United States of America mynewfoundation.org/Loser.html Mirror
2023-05-23 18:45:11 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia United States of America openauto.org/Loser.html Mirror
2023-05-23 18:45:07 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia Canada clientsarena.com/Loser.html Mirror
2023-05-23 18:45:07 Boss Ranzen Attacker Joker Mafia Germany coriallet.com/Loser.html Mirror
2023-05-23 13:58:55 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H M Germany cbt2.mtsannurpalangkaraya.sch.... Mirror
2023-05-23 13:58:54 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H M Germany rdmma.mtsannurpalangkaraya.sch... Mirror
2023-05-23 13:58:53 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H M Germany rdm.mtsannurpalangkaraya.sch.i... Mirror
2023-05-23 13:58:51 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H Germany elearning.mtsannurpalangkaraya... Mirror
2023-05-23 12:01:51 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H R Singapore www.sicombat.sdplushangtuah1jk... Mirror
2023-05-21 18:05:20 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H M R Germany www.pstbinfo.man1kotablitar.sc... Mirror
2023-05-21 18:05:10 ./tentakel Attacker Joker Mafia H Germany pstbinfo.man1kotablitar.sch.id... Mirror