Mirror Team r13s

Total Defacements: 1203     Homepage Defacements: 215     Special Deface: 169     Team Rank: 64    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:27 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Germany www.dluxeproperty.com/party.ht... Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:26 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.trending-data.in/party.htm Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:25 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.globalmediasolutions.onlin... Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:25 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.happy-consumer.com/party.h... Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:25 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.thekalash.in/party.htm Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:24 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.ajdev.xyz/party.htm Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:24 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.aplic.in/party.htm Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:24 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.campaignocean.com/party.ht... Mirror
2022-08-26 12:02:23 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT R Cyprus www.aaracommercial.com/party.h... Mirror
2022-08-26 12:00:55 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT Netherlands trendingoff.com/party.htm Mirror
2022-08-26 11:15:50 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Indonesia tlhp-new.sulselprov.go.id/part... Mirror
2022-08-26 03:12:55 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Canada gawemgadgets.com.ng/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 03:12:54 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Canada thecoachjoyce.com.ng/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 02:59:14 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Denmark urathumb.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 02:59:13 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Denmark untruenorth.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 02:59:12 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America lizatrips.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 02:59:10 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Denmark eastatlantaicehouse.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 02:59:08 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Denmark ardyanstyle.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-26 02:59:05 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H United States of America maredisplay.com Mirror
2022-08-26 02:41:06 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H Canada enhorabuena.net Mirror
2022-08-26 02:39:00 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H France themumbainewsz.com Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:15 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Indonesia www.yamsi.mside.sch.id/suki.ht... Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:10 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Indonesia www.ujicobardm.mside.sch.id/su... Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:09 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Indonesia www.ppdb.mside.sch.id/suki.htm Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:09 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Indonesia www.rdm.mside.sch.id/suki.htm Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:09 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Indonesia www.spp.mside.sch.id/suki.htm Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:08 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Singapore www.portal.smknsaturasaujaya.s... Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:08 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Singapore www.sklonline.smknsaturasaujay... Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:08 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Singapore www.ujianonline.smknsaturasauj... Mirror
2022-08-25 23:47:07 KagomeAsuka BORNEO-EXPLOIT M R Singapore www.inventaristkj.smknsaturasa... Mirror