Mirror Team r13s

Total Defacements: 1203     Homepage Defacements: 215     Special Deface: 169     Team Rank: 64    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-08-12 23:22:41 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Canada renttoownfirst.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-12 23:21:20 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H United States of America hashimmohmd.com Mirror
2022-08-12 23:21:18 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H Cyprus hemadrinaturals.com Mirror
2022-08-12 23:20:31 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Germany wisdomspringbed.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-12 23:20:30 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Germany duniafibre.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-12 23:20:30 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Germany devicefurniture.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-12 23:20:26 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Germany grandmutiarahotel.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-12 23:20:25 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Germany thehillresort.com/7.php Mirror
2022-08-12 23:18:10 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Germany bilxsports.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 23:18:09 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H United States of America hackeandoabet.com Mirror
2022-08-12 23:14:34 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Cyprus ecom-ic.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 23:14:30 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Denmark archidrafts.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 23:07:45 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Australia www.marlowautomotive.com.au/7.... Mirror
2022-08-12 23:07:27 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Australia www.kelvinstoneworks.com.au/7.... Mirror
2022-08-12 23:07:26 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Australia www.kbtransmissions.com.au/7.p... Mirror
2022-08-12 23:05:26 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Denmark jacquelineissenmann.com/x7.htm... Mirror
2022-08-12 23:05:25 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT Denmark captivatio.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 23:05:16 whoami7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Australia www.justcommercialautomotive.c... Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:24 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America appleboxpremiums.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:23 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H M Vietnam nhatnhi68.site Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:23 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America dalansmith.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:22 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H M Vietnam banhkemngocmy.com Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:21 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT M Australia www.ficogi.com.au/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:21 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America robofabricadelucro.com/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 22:57:20 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America www.excelautomotive.com.au/x7.... Mirror
2022-08-12 22:39:34 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America www.dolvent.com.au/x7.html Mirror
2022-08-12 22:39:34 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H United States of America www.ediesflyscreens.com.au Mirror
2022-08-12 22:39:33 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT United States of America www.gthautomotive.com.au/x7.ht... Mirror
2022-08-12 22:39:32 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H United States of America www.gpmobilemechanic.com.au/in... Mirror
2022-08-12 22:39:31 Gnest7 BORNEO-EXPLOIT H M Australia www.jrsair.com.au/index.php Mirror