Mirror Team crofterxgans003

Total Defacements: 143     Homepage Defacements: 34     Special Deface: 57     Team Rank: 262    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-01-06 22:10:59 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R United States of America pasca.untagcirebon.ac.id/vuln.... Mirror
2021-01-06 22:10:59 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R United States of America fisip.untagcirebon.ac.id/vuln.... Mirror
2021-01-06 22:10:59 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R United States of America semnas.untagcirebon.ac.id/vuln... Mirror
2021-01-06 22:10:59 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R United States of America alumni.untagcirebon.ac.id/vuln... Mirror
2021-01-06 22:10:59 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R United States of America cdc.untagcirebon.ac.id/vuln.tx... Mirror
2021-01-06 21:26:50 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost Indonesia kursusbakingonline.com/4k.htm Mirror
2021-01-06 19:35:32 TH4UF4N Brebes666Ghost H Singapore loginwofbet.com Mirror
2021-01-06 15:18:34 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost United States of America www.showboxd.com/4k.htm Mirror
2021-01-06 15:10:38 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost United States of America burjalzain.com/4k.htm Mirror
2021-01-06 15:03:09 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost United States of America floodcontrolam.com/4k.htm Mirror
2021-01-05 10:59:58 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia cdc.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln.t... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:59:58 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia ejournal.akademitelkom.ac.id/v... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:59:58 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M Indonesia hme.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln.t... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:59:58 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M Indonesia dsn.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln.t... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:57:53 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia repository.akademitelkom.ac.id... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:57:53 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia laboratory.akademitelkom.ac.id... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:57:53 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia lppm.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln.... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:57:53 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia prodi.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:57:53 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia centis.akademitelkom.ac.id/vul... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:55:43 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost R Indonesia greencampus.akademitelkom.ac.i... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:55:43 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M Indonesia pmb.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln.t... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:55:43 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M Indonesia vnews.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:55:43 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia akatel.akademitelkom.ac.id/vul... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:55:43 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia toko.akademitelkom.ac.id/vuln.... Mirror
2021-01-05 10:55:43 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost M R Indonesia elearning.akademitelkom.ac.id/... Mirror
2021-01-04 23:38:16 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost Spain casamundet.es/4k.htm Mirror
2021-01-04 18:58:46 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost United Kingdom www.minletazezaddis.com/4k.htm Mirror
2021-01-03 11:32:41 TH4UF4N Brebes666Ghost H United States of America wethink-seo.com Mirror
2021-01-03 01:52:57 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost Sweden buredo.jp/2k.htm Mirror
2021-01-03 01:19:33 CrofterXgans003 Brebes666Ghost India www.drivego.in/2k.htm Mirror