Mirror Team BuBu

Total Defacements: 1460     Homepage Defacements: 189     Special Deface: 174     Team Rank: 57    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-01-24 14:08:21 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit M Netherlands kolkataff2.in/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 14:08:21 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit M Netherlands kolkatasatta.com/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 14:08:21 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit M Netherlands learnsnet.com/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 14:08:21 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit M Netherlands moneysuccess.in/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 11:33:17 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit H United States of America www.bapelkesjambi.or.id Mirror
2021-01-24 10:44:19 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit Netherlands www.scribespoetry.com/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 10:44:19 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit Singapore neurologyuptodate.org/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 10:44:19 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit M Netherlands csir-opri.org.gh/jr.php Mirror
2021-01-24 08:03:42 MR./F4J4R CytoXploit United States of America crowdfundingdojo.com/hacked-by... Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit H United States of America lahigueradelosperros.com Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit H M United States of America carnesecadonjose.com Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit H M United States of America malditaradio.mx Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit M United States of America mediakitlosinformantes.com/ttn... Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit M United States of America traficorock.com.mx/ttnt.php Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit M United States of America maestrocoyote.com.mx/ttnt.php Mirror
2021-01-24 04:19:58 ./2256Ghost CytoXploit M United States of America grupoastorga.com.mx/ttnt.php Mirror
2021-01-23 15:25:36 CrofterXgans003 CytoXploit M R Indonesia smpn4wates.sch.id/-.htm Mirror
2021-01-23 15:25:36 CrofterXgans003 CytoXploit M R Indonesia smpn5wates.sch.id/-.htm Mirror
2021-01-23 15:25:36 CrofterXgans003 CytoXploit M R Indonesia smpn2kalibawang.sch.id/-.htm Mirror
2021-01-23 15:25:36 CrofterXgans003 CytoXploit M R Indonesia smpn2girimulyo.sch.id/-.htm Mirror
2021-01-23 15:25:36 CrofterXgans003 CytoXploit M R Indonesia smpn1nanggulan.sch.id/-.htm Mirror
2021-01-22 16:49:07 CrofterXgans003 CytoXploit Brazil souzaraujo.com/blog/conteudo.p... Mirror
2021-01-21 22:37:17 CytoRizki CytoXploit United States of America airodigitallabs.com/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:35:31 CytoRizki CytoXploit India hsherbalrojgar.com/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:07:34 CytoRizki CytoXploit United States of America baak.htp.ac.id/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:07:34 CytoRizki CytoXploit United States of America cdc.htp.ac.id/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:07:34 CytoRizki CytoXploit M United States of America portal.htp.ac.id/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:07:34 CytoRizki CytoXploit M United States of America project.htp.ac.id/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:07:34 CytoRizki CytoXploit M United States of America siakadm.htp.ac.id/r1s.php Mirror
2021-01-21 11:07:34 CytoRizki CytoXploit M United States of America spmb.htp.ac.id/r1s.php Mirror