Mirror Team fidzxploit

Total Defacements: 2988     Homepage Defacements: 2006     Special Deface: 979     Team Rank: 27    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:58 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Unknown wp.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:57 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore kositsamosorn.ac.th/client/id.... Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:56 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore kungchai.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:54 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle United States of America warissa.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:53 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore thuws.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:45 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore ton-omnoi.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:45 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore laemrat.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:44 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore pns-school.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:43 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore prachinnusorn.ac.th/client/id.... Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:43 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore panjarak.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:35 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore samuharatbumrung.ac.th/client/... Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:33 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Singapore nadtasinchan.ac.th/client/id.h... Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:31 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Unknown pngcc.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:59:29 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Singapore nondaeng.ac.th/client/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:38:11 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Indonesia pa-bolaanguki.go.id/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-27 10:38:07 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Finland fromanywhere.edu.do/store/ Mirror
2023-12-27 10:38:03 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle R Nigeria lms.nphcda.gov.ng/store/ Mirror
2023-12-21 13:09:01 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Indonesia itourism.pariwisata.kepulauans... Mirror
2023-12-21 09:29:25 Riski Haxor Esteem Restoration Eagle H United States of America welcarehospital.in Mirror
2023-12-20 18:56:36 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle H Indonesia sinarbaru.malutprov.go.id Mirror
2023-12-20 13:42:08 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Unknown mpp.lumajangkab.go.id/api/imag... Mirror
2023-12-20 08:30:35 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Switzerland tiricordi.ch/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:30:31 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Switzerland tazebau.ch/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:30:27 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Switzerland onsernone.ch/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:30:24 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M Switzerland espoverbano.ch/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:30:19 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Switzerland filippinitrasporti.ch/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:30:15 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle Russia biz2news.ru/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:01:59 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M United States of America sureformation.co.uk/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:01:56 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M United States of America schoolmanagement.com.ng/id.htm Mirror
2023-12-20 08:01:55 Iman19X Esteem Restoration Eagle M United States of America kcabor.com/id.htm Mirror