Mirror Team god of server

Total Defacements: 818     Homepage Defacements: 121     Special Deface: 112     Team Rank: 92    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2024-07-30 19:27:29 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America psiquiatraonline.net.br/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:40 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America sindromedepanico.com.br/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:33 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America tecnicodeinformatica.poa.br/i.... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:27 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America transtornoalimentar.med.br/i.h... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:25 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America tumordehipofise.com.br/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:23 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America tumor.com.br/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:17 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America tratamentoparafobiasocial.com.... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:10 God Of Server God Of Server United States of America tratamentoparadepressao.com.br... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:07 God Of Server God Of Server M R United States of America www.bochin.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:26:02 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.benthanh.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:25:31 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.atecpacific.com/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:25:30 God Of Server God Of Server M R United States of America www.asiankitchenhagersville.ca... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:25:30 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.asiankitchensmithville.ca/... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:25:29 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.takasushi.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:25:29 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.aichef.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:25:28 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.sushiplacetoronto.ca/i.htm... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:32 God Of Server God Of Server M R United States of America www.redmaplesushi.com/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:27 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.qqsushi.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:21 God Of Server God Of Server M R United States of America www.orientalrestaurant.ca/i.ht... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:21 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.qqmeaford.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:20 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.mkcoldstorage.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:20 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.oceanseafoodwholesale.ca/i... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:24:00 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.itbmedia.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:55 God Of Server God Of Server M R United States of America www.hyattrestaurant.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:54 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.ghac.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:54 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.goldenharborchinese.ca/i.h... Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:53 God Of Server God Of Server M R United States of America www.crosspos.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:52 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.wordsoft.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:52 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.china8portelgin.ca/i.html Mirror
2024-07-30 19:23:28 God Of Server God Of Server M United States of America www.wordcap.ca/i.html Mirror