Mirror Team localghost clan

Total Defacements: 75     Homepage Defacements: 43     Special Deface: 54     Team Rank: 346    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2023-11-22 12:32:14 ./Tama1337 LOCALGHOST CLAN Switzerland merakiweb.ch/ter.php Mirror
2023-08-25 04:23:02 GREENF LOCALGHOST CLAN H M R Singapore www.jnlcollegekhagaul.in Mirror
2023-08-25 04:22:59 GREENF LOCALGHOST CLAN H M R Singapore jnlcollegekhagaul.in Mirror
2023-06-07 01:48:16 GREENF LOCALGHOST CLAN H M R Singapore www.sdplushangtuah1jkt.sch.id Mirror
2023-06-07 01:47:56 GREENF LOCALGHOST CLAN H R Singapore mail.sdplushangtuah1jkt.sch.id... Mirror
2023-05-24 08:56:18 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M Cyprus bahasainggris.unbp.ac.id/x.htm Mirror
2023-05-24 08:56:17 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M Cyprus bahasaindonesia.unbp.ac.id/x.h... Mirror
2023-05-24 08:56:14 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M Cyprus pend.informatika.unbp.ac.id/x.... Mirror
2023-05-24 08:56:12 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN Cyprus library.unbp.ac.id/x.htm Mirror
2023-05-21 19:10:17 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN H M R Cyprus www.infokelulusansiswa.manposo... Mirror
2023-05-21 19:09:03 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN H Cyprus infokelulusansiswa.manposo.sch... Mirror
2023-05-21 19:08:58 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN H Indonesia pengumuman.sman1telaga.sch.id Mirror
2023-05-20 15:20:46 S4NGKURl4NG LOCALGHOST CLAN France solarprosud.fr/ta.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:32 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M R United States of America varadatiles.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:32 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America unimechsystems.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:31 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America teksonstabilizer.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:31 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN United States of America sparktechsoft.co.in/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:30 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America siddhisoftware.in/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:29 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America satyadoot.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:29 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America sampatsolar.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:29 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America sanchitaengg.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:28 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN United States of America rubberpartsmanufacturer.in/x.h... Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:27 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America www.rcsmgmc.ac.in/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:26 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America rckalecollege.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:25 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M United States of America rajatsitarmaker.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:25 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN United States of America naeemsitarmaker.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:24 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN United States of America mukundtransgears.com/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:22 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN M R United States of America modernpatterns.in/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:19 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN United States of America machinebox.in/x.html Mirror
2023-05-19 21:19:18 ./tentakel LOCALGHOST CLAN United States of America ptfemanufacturerindia.com/x.ht... Mirror