Mirror Team root@x-krypt0n-x

Total Defacements: 1527     Homepage Defacements: 596     Special Deface: 279     Team Rank: 55    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-08-08 21:50:25 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan H M Indonesia sigerakjalan.kuduskab.go.id Mirror
2022-08-08 21:43:00 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan H R Indonesia dishub.kuduskab.go.id Mirror
2022-07-19 14:16:15 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmastalun.pekalongankab.g... Mirror
2022-07-19 14:16:15 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmastirto1.pekalongankab.... Mirror
2022-07-19 14:16:15 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmastirto2.pekalongankab.... Mirror
2022-07-19 14:16:14 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmaslebakbarang.pekalonga... Mirror
2022-07-19 14:16:14 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmaspaninggaran.pekalonga... Mirror
2022-07-19 14:16:14 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmassiwalan.pekalongankab... Mirror
2022-07-19 14:12:19 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmaspetungkriyono.pekalon... Mirror
2022-07-18 13:50:34 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Canada morashcollections.com/.well-kn... Mirror
2022-07-18 13:49:07 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan Canada kiddiesbestoption.com/.well-kn... Mirror
2022-07-18 13:40:12 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan United States of America nudesologirls.com/me.php Mirror
2022-07-08 20:29:33 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia cdc.akamigasbalongan.ac.id/me.... Mirror
2022-07-08 20:27:36 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan Indonesia konseling.akamigasbalongan.ac.... Mirror
2022-07-05 19:37:55 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan United States of America ppdb.smkn1kedungwuni.sch.id/me... Mirror
2022-07-04 20:15:52 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan Luxembourg www.checkicity.com/.quarantine... Mirror
2022-07-04 18:44:49 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M United States of America cabletvphone.com/.well-known/ Mirror
2022-07-04 18:33:57 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M United States of America pandaxtream.com/.well-known/ Mirror
2022-07-04 18:32:35 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M United States of America eyedentitycollectionllc.com/.w... Mirror
2022-07-04 18:28:48 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan United States of America techhunt.info/.well-known/ Mirror
2022-07-04 17:51:00 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan Vietnam trangtribancongchungcu.com/.we... Mirror
2022-07-04 17:16:44 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan Taiwan topshepherd.org/.quarantine/ Mirror
2022-07-04 17:15:29 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan United States of America paularenacer.com/.quarantine/ Mirror
2022-07-04 17:15:28 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan India trybestdesign.com//wp-content/... Mirror
2022-07-04 16:24:57 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan United States of America sreebaazar.com/wp-content/uplo... Mirror
2022-07-04 16:24:55 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan United States of America www.sharestar.org/.quarantine/ Mirror
2022-07-04 01:04:41 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmaswonokerto2.pekalongan... Mirror
2022-07-04 01:04:40 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmassragi1.pekalongankab.... Mirror
2022-07-04 01:04:40 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmaswonopringgo.pekalonga... Mirror
2022-07-04 01:04:40 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan M Indonesia puskesmaswonokerto1.pekalongan... Mirror