Mirror Team satura

Total Defacements: 106     Homepage Defacements: 0     Special Deface: 106     Team Rank: 311    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:14 satura t.me@saturaa M R Singapore portal.wijayaputra.sch.id/read... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:14 satura t.me@saturaa M R Singapore ppdb.wijayaputra.sch.id/readme... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:13 satura t.me@saturaa M R Singapore job.wijayaputra.sch.id/readme.... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:13 satura t.me@saturaa M Singapore kelulusan.wijayaputra.sch.id/r... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:13 satura t.me@saturaa M R Singapore library.wijayaputra.sch.id/rea... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:12 satura t.me@saturaa M Singapore elearningsma.wijayaputra.sch.i... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:12 satura t.me@saturaa M R Singapore eraportk.wijayaputra.sch.id/re... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:11 satura t.me@saturaa M R Singapore alumni.wijayaputra.sch.id/read... Mirror
2022-04-17 09:26:10 satura t.me@saturaa R Singapore wijayaputra.sch.id/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-17 00:41:15 satura t.me@saturaa R Indonesia ejournal.umpwr.ac.id/readme.tx... Mirror
2022-04-16 22:22:56 satura t.me@saturaa Thailand amss.sec40.go.th/pafikona_zone... Mirror
2022-04-16 22:19:28 satura t.me@saturaa Pakistan www.ccormara.edu.pk/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 21:45:53 satura t.me@saturaa United States of America office.yst1.go.th/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 21:14:44 satura t.me@saturaa United States of America www.udonpeo.go.th/pmss/app/mod... Mirror
2022-04-16 16:34:41 satura t.me@saturaa M Singapore bkk.smkn2sby.sch.id/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 16:34:40 satura t.me@saturaa Singapore pustaka.smkn2sby.sch.id/readme... Mirror
2022-04-16 16:34:40 satura t.me@saturaa M Singapore elearning.smkn2sby.sch.id/read... Mirror
2022-04-16 15:44:15 satura t.me@saturaa Singapore smkdrsoetomosby.sch.id/readme.... Mirror
2022-04-16 15:21:40 satura t.me@saturaa Thailand www.mbs.mut.ac.th/journal/read... Mirror
2022-04-16 15:02:03 satura t.me@saturaa United States of America falconschools.edu.pk/readme.tx... Mirror
2022-04-16 14:56:58 satura t.me@saturaa Philippines bafs.da.gov.ph/media/index Mirror
2022-04-16 14:54:34 satura t.me@saturaa Netherlands amss65.phangngaedarea.go.th/re... Mirror
2022-04-16 14:53:17 satura t.me@saturaa Thailand amss.petburi.go.th/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 14:53:17 satura t.me@saturaa M Thailand bigdata.petburi.go.th/readme.t... Mirror
2022-04-16 14:49:41 satura t.me@saturaa Thailand npte2.go.th/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 14:47:26 satura t.me@saturaa Thailand smartbkn.moe.go.th/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 14:37:07 satura t.me@saturaa Brazil www.aulaemcasa.am.gov.br/wp-co... Mirror
2022-04-16 14:27:18 satura t.me@saturaa United States of America arks.edu.bh/wp-content/uploads... Mirror
2022-04-16 14:02:27 satura t.me@saturaa M Singapore smart.sakon2.go.th/readme.txt Mirror
2022-04-16 14:02:27 satura t.me@saturaa United States of America smart.trat-edu.go.th/readme.tx... Mirror