Mirror Team xzourt

Total Defacements: 424     Homepage Defacements: 40     Special Deface: 17     Team Rank: 136    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2024-03-08 16:40:03 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan my-hack.net/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:40:01 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan miyamasuzaka-burari.net/lisa.t... Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:56 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan it-blueocean.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:53 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan hapihapi-life.net/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:49 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan haha-cosme.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:47 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan fracosme-f.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:44 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan eye-dream.info/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:41 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan cute-dream.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:39 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan cosme-owner.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:37 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Japan atashi-no-wadai.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 16:39:35 xzourt xzourt webshell company Japan airis-kamon.com/lisa.txt Mirror
2024-03-08 00:35:10 xzourt xzourt webshell company United States of America diferencia.top/readme.html Mirror
2024-03-08 00:31:43 xzourt xzourt webshell company R Australia www.matesolarandelectrical.com... Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:33 xzourt xzourt webshell company United States of America myhomeessentials.co/lisa.php Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:32 xzourt xzourt webshell company United States of America www.stipat.com/lisa.html Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:31 xzourt xzourt webshell company M Colombia tamildhooll.site/lisa.php Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:30 xzourt xzourt webshell company Singapore femelifefertility.com/lisa.php Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:29 xzourt xzourt webshell company United States of America arrive.mx/lisa.html Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:28 xzourt xzourt webshell company M United States of America ourvermonthouse.com/lisa.html Mirror
2024-03-07 20:01:28 xzourt xzourt webshell company United States of America www.planmonk.com/lisa.php Mirror
2024-03-07 19:13:23 xzourt xzourt webshell company Unknown lpm.unihaz.ac.id/gelery/?unapp... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:12:02 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia rc-gerid.unair.ac.id/id/konfer... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:10:49 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia antawirya.undip.ac.id/shell-ec... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:08:55 xzourt xzourt webshell company Unknown eng.unhas.ac.id/informatics/s2... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:07:14 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia pjm.poltekkessorong.ac.id/lore... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:05:54 xzourt xzourt webshell company Unknown kepegawaian.unmul.ac.id/post/p... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:04:37 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia fikom.unpam.ac.id/2023/11/19/b... Mirror
2024-03-07 19:03:11 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia pgsd.univpgri-palembang.ac.id/... Mirror
2024-03-07 18:57:03 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia kejari-banggailaut.kejaksaan.g... Mirror
2024-03-07 18:55:06 xzourt xzourt webshell company Indonesia bapenda.madiunkota.go.id/2023/... Mirror