Mirror Archive

Defacements in CHILE (CL) : 757
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2025-01-20 23:06:33 jokeir 07x Dark 07x H Chile adeagencia.com Mirror
2024-12-19 21:09:11 FAKESITE CYBER ERROR SYSTEM H M Chile tiendawp.emaserfor.cl Mirror
2024-12-19 21:08:28 FAKESITE CYBER ERROR SYSTEM Chile emaserfor.cl/pwnd.php Mirror
2024-10-25 21:21:12 chinafans 0xteam M Chile encuestas.senda.gob.cl/0x.txt Mirror
2024-10-25 21:21:10 chinafans 0xteam Chile sistemas.senda.gob.cl/0x.txt Mirror
2024-10-14 23:53:41 ./Jat_rox
No Team
H Chile recobroscolombia.com Mirror
2024-10-04 13:55:58 losmust ./aethersec H M Chile www.vicunayasociados.cl Mirror
2024-10-04 13:51:33 losmust ./aethersec H Chile tecning.cl Mirror
2024-09-07 18:08:49 XYZ Alpha wolf H M Chile clients.quakelatam.com Mirror
2024-09-07 18:08:49 XYZ Alpha wolf H Chile quakelatam.com/index.html Mirror
2024-09-02 09:50:32 YEMEN Team R70 H Chile camiladelafuente.cl/index.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:57 God Of Server God Of Server M Chile bri.cl/k.html Mirror
2024-08-25 06:42:53 God Of Server God Of Server Chile www.seguros.bri.cl/k.html Mirror
2024-08-19 06:12:08 tlhkpln
No Team
H Chile lags.cl Mirror
2024-08-16 14:28:13 XYZ Alpha wolf H Chile dondeeladio.cl Mirror
2024-08-07 23:14:50 God Of Server god of server Chile www.naya4.plusestudio.cl/gos.t... Mirror
2024-07-27 22:50:31 0x 0x H M Chile hub.group Mirror
2024-07-27 22:49:33 0x 0x H Chile hub.cl Mirror
2024-07-19 23:34:24 Virxploit Jakarta Cyber White H Chile vidum.pe Mirror
2024-07-15 21:33:58 X7EXPLOIT RISKI HAXOR H Chile izebra.cl Mirror
2024-07-09 10:46:35 Virxploit Jakarta Cyber White H Chile colegioalerce.cl Mirror
2024-06-20 14:01:42 young-h2001 NONE H Chile puppieplanet.com Mirror
2024-06-20 14:01:38 young-h2001 NONE H M Chile mail.sabqr.oxmedia.cl Mirror
2024-06-20 14:01:34 young-h2001 NONE H Chile www.sabqr.oxmedia.cl Mirror
2024-06-20 14:01:31 young-h2001 NONE H Chile devel.vicsaconectados.cl Mirror
2024-06-15 08:32:06 Dimax66 PADANG SYSTEM ERROR H Chile manodeobrasoluciones.com Mirror
2024-06-14 15:50:20 young-h2001 NONE H M Chile vomaltenhain.com Mirror
2024-06-14 15:50:17 young-h2001 NONE H Chile mail.vomaltenhain.com Mirror
2024-05-31 02:03:17 Dkid03
No Team
H Chile www.coldmaster.cl Mirror
2024-05-20 02:50:23 KingSkrupellos KingSkrupellos Chile arcgis2.minenergia.cl/public/r... Mirror