Mirror Archive

Defacements in IRAN (IR) : 1424
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-10-07 11:04:44 ./AlfanXploit Cowok Tersakiti Team Iran tebiranco.com/wp-login.php Mirror
2021-10-07 03:37:26 RegiGans Ganest Seven H Iran mail.blackhatmail.com Mirror
2021-10-02 13:50:48 Obito Haxor NonClases M R Iran shoosf.ir/images/mas.txt Mirror
2021-10-02 13:50:45 Obito Haxor NonClases Iran www.shoosf.ir/images/mas.txt Mirror
2021-10-02 09:44:11 ./AlfanXploit Cowok Tersakiti Team Iran poodi.ir/wp-content/uploads/20... Mirror
2021-10-01 19:03:01 ./AlfanXploit Cowok Tersakiti Team Iran bstshop.ir/wp-content/uploads/... Mirror
2021-09-29 21:27:03 DimasHxR XRelaX Security Team Iran www.karagroup.net/images/dim.t... Mirror
2021-09-27 11:40:18 kanghoax466
No Team
Iran anipayment.com/wp-content/plug... Mirror
2021-09-26 18:09:40 ./G1L4N6_ST86 AnonSec Team M Iran thinker-web.ir//anonsec.htm Mirror
2021-09-26 18:09:38 ./G1L4N6_ST86 AnonSec Team M Iran chapishop.com//anonsec.htm Mirror
2021-09-26 18:09:36 ./G1L4N6_ST86 AnonSec Team Iran safnoosh.ir/anonsec.htm Mirror
2021-09-25 22:24:17 Obito Haxor Foursdeath Team M R Iran zarinnameh.ir/images/mas.txt Mirror
2021-09-25 22:24:15 Obito Haxor Foursdeath Team R Iran www.zarinnameh.ir/images/mas.t... Mirror
2021-09-24 19:43:31 Dhen Bhocil KEBUMEN XCODE M R Iran solifit.com/shit.htm Mirror
2021-09-24 19:43:18 Dhen Bhocil KEBUMEN XCODE Iran www.solifit.com/shit.htm Mirror
2021-09-23 22:20:32 Obito Haxor NonClases M Iran mail.sahandsteel.com/images/ma... Mirror
2021-09-23 22:20:30 Obito Haxor NonClases M R Iran sahandsteel.com/images/mas.txt Mirror
2021-09-23 22:20:29 Obito Haxor NonClases R Iran www.sahandsteel.com/images/mas... Mirror
2021-09-22 22:50:59 root@x-krypt0n-x system of pekalongan H Iran valasr.net Mirror
2021-09-15 21:00:32 Rzky BandungXploiter Iran ecabayo.com/ky.html Mirror
2021-09-15 18:20:32 DimasHxR XRelaX Security Team Iran www.persianelectra.com/images/... Mirror
2021-09-15 14:51:00 kanghoax466
No Team
Iran seleben.com/wp-content/plugins... Mirror
2021-09-15 14:47:42 kanghoax466
No Team
Iran asrekoudak.com/wp-content/plug... Mirror
2021-09-15 14:47:38 kanghoax466
No Team
Iran nature-dates.com/wp-content/pl... Mirror
2021-09-14 16:46:36 Rzky BandungXploiter Iran tony21.com/readme.html Mirror
2021-09-13 13:05:36 kanghoax466 Kalimantan6etarXploitSec Iran erfandarazian.com/wp-content/p... Mirror
2021-09-13 13:05:31 kanghoax466 Kalimantan6etarXploitSec Iran excelparadise.com/wp-content/p... Mirror
2021-09-13 08:24:03 XNight The Black Paper H M R Iran www.sonickara.com Mirror
2021-09-13 07:31:58 XNight The Black Paper H Iran sonickara.com Mirror
2021-09-12 13:41:19 DimasHxR XRelaX Security Team Iran www.ehdasestate.ir/images/dim.... Mirror