Mirror Archive

Defacements in THAILAND (TH) : 4276
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-10-01 14:05:26 ./randiXploit whitecyberillusion M R Thailand www.kham-saengcity.go.th/ptb/u... Mirror
2022-10-01 14:05:02 ./randiXploit whitecyberillusion M Thailand www.bankruatcity.go.th/bankrua... Mirror
2022-10-01 14:05:02 ./randiXploit whitecyberillusion R Thailand kham-saengcity.go.th/ptb/users... Mirror
2022-10-01 11:18:50 Obito Haxor Udah Ngebot Kesengol lagi nuub R Thailand www.englishroom.dsdw.go.th/ina... Mirror
2022-10-01 11:00:50 Obito Haxor Kesengol Gak terima wowkwwok m R Thailand phpmyadmin.aya1.go.th/ina.htm Mirror
2022-10-01 05:05:02 Dkid03
No Team
Thailand techno.rru.ac.th/wp-content/up... Mirror
2022-09-28 19:37:13 ./Niz4r JATENG XPLOIT Thailand aritc.crru.ac.th/read.html Mirror
2022-09-28 12:52:34 ./Niz4r JATENG XPLOIT Thailand www.nahee.go.th/read.html Mirror
2022-09-28 10:56:36 Xy000 System of pekalongan Thailand www.tnsukbi.ac.th/sop.php Mirror
2022-09-28 00:11:07 ./Niz4r JATENG XPLOIT M R Thailand www.bankae.go.th/editor/read.h... Mirror
2022-09-24 03:10:49 S4NH4X0R 3BROTHER.ID M Thailand brss.ayutthaya2.go.th/3br.html Mirror
2022-09-22 16:26:49 ./XList Manusia Biasa Team Thailand culture.srru.ac.th/list.php Mirror
2022-09-22 12:34:23 XyzAnonym./ DragonForce M R Thailand www.khokyanglocal.go.th/khokya... Mirror
2022-09-22 00:15:32 SanggamXploiter FOURSDEATHTEAM R Thailand www.sangkha.go.th/2019/zeus.ph... Mirror
2022-09-19 11:33:31 SanggamXploiter Foursdeathteam H Thailand www.nongpailom.go.th/index.htm... Mirror
2022-09-19 01:17:56 ./Niz4r JATENG XPLOIT H M Thailand nonsomboonlocal.go.th Mirror
2022-09-18 08:31:15 ZEX XPLOIT Raid Day Team M Thailand register-to.link/RaidDayTeam/ Mirror
2022-09-18 08:31:14 ZEX XPLOIT Raid Day Team M Thailand bitkub.link/RaidDayTeam/ Mirror
2022-09-18 08:31:13 ZEX XPLOIT Raid Day Team Thailand www.innovestx.link/RaidDayTeam... Mirror
2022-09-17 10:23:19 ./FreedomXploit MINIONS CYBER CRIME H M Thailand admin.hss.moph.go.th Mirror
2022-09-17 10:23:18 ./FreedomXploit MINIONS CYBER CRIME H M Thailand phcn.hss.moph.go.th Mirror
2022-09-17 10:23:18 ./FreedomXploit MINIONS CYBER CRIME H M Thailand pdpa.hss.moph.go.th Mirror
2022-09-17 10:23:17 ./FreedomXploit MINIONS CYBER CRIME H M Thailand opdc.hss.moph.go.th Mirror
2022-09-17 10:23:17 ./FreedomXploit MINIONS CYBER CRIME H Thailand law.hss.moph.go.th Mirror
2022-09-15 20:44:46 K4PUYU4K
No Team
M Thailand www.itboardsp.com/lol.html Mirror
2022-09-15 20:44:46 K4PUYU4K
No Team
M Thailand rtn1986.com/lol.html Mirror
2022-09-15 20:44:45 K4PUYU4K
No Team
Thailand armydent.com/lol.html Mirror
2022-09-13 11:55:34 Mr.Venom From Lammer To Mastah Thailand pet.nfe.go.th/petnfe/userfiles... Mirror
2022-09-11 15:33:10 Atengg377 Jakarta Cyber Team Thailand ojs.mbuslc.ac.th/files/journal... Mirror
2022-09-10 22:53:18 KagomeAsuka
No Team
M R Thailand www.tpl.ac.th/tpl/gallery/suki... Mirror