Mirror Onhold

Total Defacements: 63020     Homepage Defacements: 25517     Special Deface: 0    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2025-03-10 00:04:42 kal egy 319
No Team
R United States of America www2.fluiddb.com/kal.html Mirror
2025-03-09 18:41:12 Mr Exsploit Wmc BONDOWOSO BLACK HAT H Iran vps.cloudsnap.cloud Mirror
2025-03-09 06:14:06 skk SKK GRUP M United States of America cecain.academiamilitarizadahal... Mirror
2025-03-09 01:47:46 skk SKK GRUP H M Italy demo.x5g.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:43:34 skk SKK GRUP H M Italy nexus.x5g.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:42:53 skk SKK GRUP H Italy sdvdev.x5g.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:31:22 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany creators.tessiland.com Mirror
2025-03-09 01:31:22 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany gestioneirno.farmacieartemis.i... Mirror
2025-03-09 01:31:22 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany gestione.farmaciadeltricolle.i... Mirror
2025-03-09 01:31:22 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany gestione.farmacieartemis.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:31:20 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany pim.spesup.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:31:19 skk SKK GRUP H Germany gestione.studiomedico33.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:23:46 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany crm.goldcentergioielleria.com Mirror
2025-03-09 01:23:45 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany crm.farmaciadeltricolle.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:23:44 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany crm.sensazionedipelle.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:23:44 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany galaxy.x5g.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:23:44 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany fidelity.sensazionedipelle.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:15:52 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany app.arianofolkfestival.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:15:49 skk SKK GRUP H Germany crm.villasorrisohotel.it Mirror
2025-03-09 01:05:53 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany app.pizzafoodcost.it Mirror
2025-03-09 00:51:15 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany dev.optimenu.app Mirror
2025-03-09 00:51:14 skk SKK GRUP H M Germany clienti.bookinpharma.com Mirror
2025-03-09 00:51:13 skk SKK GRUP H Germany gestione.farmaciaartemis.it Mirror
2025-03-08 10:27:45 Adl3r Surakarta BlackHat M United States of America cart.finheal.us/samantha.txt Mirror
2025-03-08 10:27:45 Adl3r Surakarta BlackHat M Colombia care.ecomfit.us/samantha.txt Mirror
2025-03-08 05:22:01 FAKESITE CYBER ERROR SYSTEM H M United States of America optima.accts.co.in Mirror
2025-03-08 05:21:42 FAKESITE CYBER ERROR SYSTEM H M United States of America mygst.accts.co.in Mirror
2025-03-08 05:21:23 FAKESITE CYBER ERROR SYSTEM H M United States of America cdn.accts.co.in Mirror
2025-03-08 01:38:34 no_name00987 PurwakartaXploit H France systancia.asld.fr Mirror
2025-03-08 01:23:30 FAKESITE CYBER ERROR SYSTEM M Thailand gsarps.rtafsar.com/index.txt Mirror