Mirror Attacker ./l0xer501

Total Defacements: 18     Homepage Defacements: 4     Special Deface: 0     Attacker Rank: 1043    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2024-07-01 16:32:14 ./L0xer501
No Team
United States of America cbfszambia.com/messenger/post.... Mirror
2024-06-25 23:19:31 ./L0xer501 Night`LionCyber H United States of America degreenhouse.ng Mirror
2022-11-28 01:50:56 ./L0xer501
No Team
H M Germany bluearrowgloballink.co.ke Mirror
2022-11-17 22:10:19 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda M Germany jomoneymatters.com/garuda.html Mirror
2022-11-17 22:10:18 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus zelochat.com/garuda.html Mirror
2022-11-17 22:10:17 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Germany vegabrokers.com/garuda.html Mirror
2022-11-17 22:10:17 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus martinezleadershipteam.com/gar... Mirror
2022-11-17 22:10:16 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus miestratega.com/garuda.html Mirror
2022-11-17 19:40:24 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus offbeatbuzz.com/wp-admin/index... Mirror
2022-11-17 04:59:28 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus brmexpeditions.com/wp-content/... Mirror
2022-11-17 04:43:05 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda United States of America caprice-studio.co/wp-content/u... Mirror
2022-11-17 04:33:04 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus atticainterio.com/wp-content/u... Mirror
2022-11-17 04:00:21 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Russia glebova-art.ru/garuda.html Mirror
2022-11-17 02:34:41 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda United States of America eco-homes.org/wp-content/uploa... Mirror
2022-11-17 01:13:07 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda H Germany apmediatechrd.com/index.php Mirror
2022-11-17 00:32:27 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda H Germany coolstarrefrigeration.co.ke Mirror
2022-11-16 23:59:30 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Cyprus awesomekhana.com/admin/index.p... Mirror
2022-11-10 23:24:12 ./L0xer501 Hacktivist Of Garuda Australia coachcheck.com/admin/index.php Mirror