Mirror Attacker ./r1dh0fake

Total Defacements: 31     Homepage Defacements: 6     Special Deface: 8     Attacker Rank: 853    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2023-06-16 18:51:41 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY H M Unknown dbs.man1modelbengkulu.sch.id Mirror
2023-06-12 08:01:42 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY H M Unknown ppdb.man1modelbengkulu.sch.id Mirror
2023-05-30 22:16:01 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Ireland sintnicolaasgilze.nl/Sadboy.ht... Mirror
2023-05-19 13:27:47 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R United States of America www.smkybm.sch.id/login.php Mirror
2023-04-20 14:40:27 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY H Japan madarussaadah-gubugklakah.com Mirror
2023-02-26 18:05:45 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Indonesia cbt.smkn1jatiroto.sch.id/evilR... Mirror
2023-02-01 19:22:19 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Myanmar www.tutoungoo.edu.mm/wp-conten... Mirror
2023-01-26 14:34:49 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY M R Vietnam www.datdatthanh.com/vantindat/... Mirror
2023-01-26 14:32:18 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Vietnam www.muoitanthanh.com/vantindat... Mirror
2023-01-25 21:34:49 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Turkey avocadomedlife.com/Sadboy.html Mirror
2023-01-21 22:18:49 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Thailand www.takook.go.th/takook/mainfi... Mirror
2023-01-11 01:04:53 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY United States of America pagemedia.in/Sadboy.html Mirror
2023-01-09 03:06:37 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY H Cyprus www.inayahcbt.online Mirror
2023-01-08 17:56:17 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R United States of America haptic1.com/Sadboy.html Mirror
2023-01-01 23:27:56 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Singapore majubeton888.com/Sadboy.html Mirror
2023-01-01 12:42:57 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R United States of America bioravindra.com/Sadboy.html Mirror
2022-12-31 15:55:48 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Cyprus cbt.smpnegeri1tigaraksa.sch.id... Mirror
2022-12-31 12:13:51 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Italy www.schenone.net/Sadboy.html Mirror
2022-12-30 18:48:37 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY H Cyprus inayahcbt2.space Mirror
2022-12-28 22:40:21 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY H R Indonesia www.smpn4batu.sch.id Mirror
2022-07-15 00:22:28 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R United States of America www.familykazoo.com/_images/bl... Mirror
2022-07-14 02:45:37 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R France exchangeratescompare.com/asset... Mirror
2022-07-14 02:43:39 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Japan toho-sc.com/pafikona_zone-xsec... Mirror
2022-07-14 02:38:26 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Singapore cuspsurgeons.com/pafikona_zone... Mirror
2022-07-14 02:31:07 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Russia fenix-arm.ru/kcfinder/upload/f... Mirror
2022-07-14 02:28:58 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R Russia robodit.ru/kcfinder/upload/fil... Mirror
2022-07-13 00:00:13 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Argentina megalum.com.ar/wp-pafikona_zon... Mirror
2022-07-12 23:56:02 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Vietnam halidecor.com/wp-pafikona_zone... Mirror
2022-07-12 04:14:57 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY Canada marketingcanada.info/RIDHOFAKE... Mirror
2022-07-08 19:56:51 ./R1DH0FAKE GARUDA SECURITY R United States of America wahastrade.com/RIDHOFAKE.html Mirror