Mirror Attacker name404

Total Defacements: 6     Homepage Defacements: 5     Special Deface: 0     Attacker Rank: 1605    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-02-21 19:49:42 Name404 - Malaysia momspostnatalcare.com/pwnd.php Mirror
2021-02-21 19:42:49 Name404 - H Malaysia sentosaprint.com Mirror
2020-12-18 20:32:14 Name404 - H M United States of America ctc-uk.org Mirror
2020-12-18 20:31:34 Name404 - H M United States of America s3udik.com Mirror
2020-12-18 20:30:56 Name404 - H M United States of America ctcbritain.org Mirror
2020-12-18 20:29:46 Name404 - H United States of America techsecuritypro.com Mirror