Mirror Attacker ghee1337

Total Defacements: 50     Homepage Defacements: 2     Special Deface: 8     Attacker Rank: 678    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-01-29 23:28:15 Ghee1337 FoursDeath Team R Indonesia dpmptsp-perizinan.buolkab.go.i... Mirror
2022-01-22 11:49:12 Ghee1337 No Team India www.continuumenergy.in/xampp/ Mirror
2022-01-13 10:46:06 Ghee1337 NoTeam Republic of Korea www.wslepo.co.kr/upload/hht/ Mirror
2022-01-09 11:13:18 Ghee1337 NoTeam Republic of Korea naturepeace.net/technote/board... Mirror
2021-12-27 15:34:51 Ghee1337 Anonymous Indonesia Indonesia www.sman4plg.sch.id/feat.php Mirror
2021-12-27 04:07:49 Ghee1337 Anonymous Indonesia Indonesia www.twinjayaprinting.com/feat.... Mirror
2021-12-22 20:35:24 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team R Thailand nm.sut.ac.th/narinet2014/modul... Mirror
2021-12-18 01:37:11 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team R Indonesia abtb.bukittinggikota.go.id/wp-... Mirror
2021-12-18 01:37:10 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team Indonesia himatif.unimal.ac.id/wp-conten... Mirror
2021-12-14 02:12:15 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team United States of America www.exportportal.site/vendors/... Mirror
2021-12-13 08:34:31 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team Indonesia simpatidpmptsp.inhilkab.go.id/... Mirror
2021-12-12 22:25:24 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team United States of America bitcoinswiftrade.com/bansos.ht... Mirror
2021-12-11 00:36:39 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team M R India www.simplyherbal.co.in/cape.ht... Mirror
2021-12-11 00:36:36 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team R United States of America www.jmdfunding.ca/cape.html Mirror
2021-12-11 00:36:34 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team R Germany enlightcare.in/cape.html Mirror
2021-12-11 00:36:31 Ghee1337 AnonSec Team R United States of America keepgate.com/cape.html Mirror
2021-12-10 02:51:05 Ghee1337 Anonymous Indonesia H India lhp.co.in Mirror
2021-11-30 22:13:23 Ghee1337 Anonymous Indonesia M R South Africa www.aquafitness.za.net/edit.ht... Mirror
2021-11-25 01:27:03 Ghee1337 Anonymous Indonesia United States of America www.posbankcanada.com/file/ Mirror
2021-11-06 00:17:51 Ghee1337 Family IT R Russia maxduhanov.ru/wp-content/jssor... Mirror