Mirror Team ambafour

Total Defacements: 18     Homepage Defacements: 2     Special Deface: 5     Team Rank: 678    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2024-12-17 08:51:05 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Indonesia mkom.pasca.mercubuana.ac.id/wp... Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:54 AmbaFour AMBA-4 United States of America vinayaksteels.com/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:50 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Singapore sky-pcb.com/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:49 AmbaFour AMBA-4 United States of America www.dananaser.com/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:47 AmbaFour AMBA-4 M Russia gbsbur.ru/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:45 AmbaFour AMBA-4 M Russia burenie16.ru/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:43 AmbaFour AMBA-4 M Russia burenie163.ru/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:41 AmbaFour AMBA-4 M Russia burenie152.ru/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:39 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Russia burenie93.ru/well.html Mirror
2024-12-08 23:19:37 AmbaFour AMBA-4 United States of America paisleydogpress.com/well.html Mirror
2024-12-03 15:17:44 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Russia meteoweb.ru/well.html Mirror
2024-12-03 12:49:47 AmbaFour AMBA-4 M Indonesia www.ukmk.ft.unsoed.ac.id/well.... Mirror
2024-12-03 12:29:55 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Germany www.bythesea.gr/well.html Mirror
2024-12-03 11:42:25 AmbaFour AMBA-4 M Indonesia bem.fmipa.unsoed.ac.id/well.ht... Mirror
2024-12-03 11:35:41 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Indonesia lkps.ft.unsoed.ac.id/well.html Mirror
2024-12-02 20:41:11 AmbaFour AMBA-4 Indonesia lp.uisu.ac.id/a.html Mirror
2024-12-02 20:19:38 AmbaFour AMBA-4 H M Germany subriz.com Mirror
2024-12-02 20:18:50 AmbaFour AMBA-4 H Germany capitalasst.com Mirror