Mirror Team MR./F4J4R

Total Defacements: 6     Homepage Defacements: 5     Special Deface: 0     Team Rank: 1008    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2020-11-13 19:00:59 MR./F4J4R InfecSec United States of America www.turings.in/faq.php Mirror
2020-10-26 13:48:23 MR./F4J4R InfecSec India earnduniya.store/product.php?i... Mirror
2020-10-25 16:24:24 MR./F4J4R InfecSec United States of America tsconstruction.info/career.php Mirror
2020-10-24 20:34:30 MR./F4J4R InfecSec United States of America promotefull.com/ask.php Mirror
2020-10-21 19:44:57 MR./F4J4R InfecSec Indonesia nfbs-bogor.web.id/cbt_smp/logi... Mirror
2020-10-21 09:46:38 MR./F4J4R InfecSec H M Indonesia yogidherma.info Mirror