Mirror Team team insane pakistan

Total Defacements: 36     Homepage Defacements: 10     Special Deface: 0     Team Rank: 487    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2024-05-02 05:48:32 Junaid 1337 Team insane Pakistan H M Singapore abellautomotive.com/index.html Mirror
2024-05-02 05:48:31 Junaid 1337 Team insane Pakistan H M Singapore the-traveler.in/index.html Mirror
2024-05-02 05:48:31 Junaid 1337 Team insane Pakistan H M Singapore firstkhabar.co.in/index.html Mirror
2024-05-02 05:48:30 Junaid 1337 Team insane Pakistan H Singapore agreeo.in Mirror
2024-03-03 15:28:03 Junaid 1337 Team insane Pakistan H M United States of America henosenergy.com/index.html Mirror
2024-03-03 15:28:02 Junaid 1337 Team insane Pakistan H United States of America perltechnologies.com/index.htm... Mirror