Mirror Team theblackpaper

Total Defacements: 12     Homepage Defacements: 17     Special Deface: 0     Team Rank: 777    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2021-01-19 03:03:00 ./C4RB0N TheBlackPaper H M R United States of America www.sahityarachana.org Mirror
2021-01-19 03:03:00 ./C4RB0N TheBlackPaper H M United States of America reshmibhagat.tk Mirror
2021-01-19 03:03:00 ./C4RB0N TheBlackPaper H M United States of America fusis.in Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H Singapore a4paperonline.com Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore arsblueleaf.com Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore bluecrossoftrichy.org Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore cgpl-in.com Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore powcal.in Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore pyneberry.com Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore rockforttimes.com Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore uniformcamp.com Mirror
2020-12-10 01:37:47 XNight TheBlackPaper H M Singapore sssbazzar.com Mirror