Mirror Team cyber 1.0

Total Defacements: 13     Homepage Defacements: 2     Special Deface: 2     Team Rank: 769    
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2022-06-25 20:51:09 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Republic of Korea budd.konkuk.ac.kr/technote/ima... Mirror
2022-05-24 19:29:38 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo United States of America legalfirms.in/ALFA_DATA/alfacg... Mirror
2022-05-17 20:23:33 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo H Indonesia www.babp.co.id/index.php Mirror
2022-05-14 11:37:30 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Republic of Korea bandocom.com/cgibin/technote/b... Mirror
2022-05-04 19:46:29 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Australia intelligentdesign.co.nz/files/... Mirror
2022-05-02 23:26:28 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo R United States of America igoraleksov.com/wp-content/upl... Mirror
2022-05-02 23:25:34 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo R United States of America www.waterboundpictures.com/lam... Mirror
2022-04-24 20:53:46 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Republic of Korea zilliontek.com/technote/image/... Mirror
2022-04-21 16:39:49 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Republic of Korea www.stonepress.co.kr/technote/... Mirror
2022-04-21 14:58:51 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Republic of Korea www.korea62.co.kr/cgibin/techn... Mirror
2022-04-19 08:18:07 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo R United States of America igoraleksov.com/wp-content/upl... Mirror
2022-04-18 23:09:06 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Netherlands alhidayah.tech/pafikona_zone-x... Mirror
2022-04-18 00:30:43 Cyber 1.0 Unity Blackhat indo Indonesia cbt.mtsn1kotacimahi.sch.id/das... Mirror