Mirror Archive

Total Defacements in IP : 5
Date & Time Attacker Team H M R L

Url Mirror
2023-06-14 12:25:27 lxrdk1773n No team M United States of America www.expedientes.tedgo.gob.mx/v... Mirror
2023-06-14 12:23:46 lxrdk1773n No team M United States of America beta.tedgo.gob.mx/v.htm Mirror
2023-06-14 12:23:41 lxrdk1773n No team M United States of America estrados.tedgo.gob.mx/v.htm Mirror
2023-06-14 09:04:04 lxrdk1773n No team M United States of America tedgo.gob.mx/v.htm Mirror
2023-06-14 09:03:59 lxrdk1773n No team United States of America transparencia.tedgo.gob.mx/v.h... Mirror